Caring for Cats

Cats > Basic Health Check for Cats

Basic Health Check for Cats

Congratulations – you have a new kitten!

You have anticipated the new arrival by kitten proofing your home and had lots of fun choosing the carrier, bed, blanket, toys and other supplies he will need. This adorable little bundle of fluff is sure to bring you much joy. In return, you can make a major contribution to your pet’s longevity, happiness and quality of life by providing he/she with good nutrition, loving attention in a safe, sanitary environment and regular checkups with your veterinarian.

Spaying or Neutering your kitten

Many veterinarians believe that spaying or neutering not only helps solve the serious problem of a burgeoning population of unwanted cats but also makes for friendlier, easier-to-live-with pets. Spayed female cats are more relaxed, playful and affectionate, while neutered males are calmer and less likely to ‘spray’ or urine-mark their territory, wander away from their home or fight. Plus, sterilization has health benefits – it minimizes the risk for breast cancer in females. Spaying removes the uterus and ovaries of a female cat, usually around the age of six months. As a major surgical procedure, it is performed under general anesthesia and most often involves an overnight stay at an animal hospital. Complications are rare and recovery is normally complete within ten days. Neutering is also carried out under general anesthesia, and involves removing the testicles of a male cat. The small wounds that result usually heal in about a week. Less complicated than spaying, it is often performed on a ‘day surgery’ basis when the cat is 4 to 7 months old.